3D Mammography
Women 40 years old and older, at average risk for breast cancer, should begin annual mammograms to help detect breast cancer.
Mammograms are the best tool for detecting and diagnosing breast cancer. When combined with 3D mammography (also called tomosynthesis), mammograms are even more likely to detect cancer, especially in dense breast tissue.
Traditional 2D mammography obtains just a single image of the breast, whereas a 3D mammogram combines multiple breast X-rays, taken from more angles, to create a three-dimensional picture of the breast. The multiple images of breast tissue “slices” give radiologists a clearer image of the breasts, making it easier to detect breast cancer.
Like standard mammograms, 3D mammography uses low-dose X-ray, meaning the amount of radiation you are exposed to during your exam is extremely small.
3D mammography is used for:
- Screening mammograms. The US Preventative Task Force (USPTF) recommends that all people assigned female at birth start having screening mammograms at age 40. If you have a strong family history of breast cancer or a known genetic mutation, you may need to start screening earlier.
- Diagnostic mammograms. Your healthcare provider may order a 3D mammogram if you have breast cancer symptoms, such as breast pain, a lump in your breast or skin changes. 3D mammography can help rule out cancer or determine if you need a biopsy to check for cancer cells.
4530 E Ray Rd, #160, Phoenix, AZ 85044 | (480) 893-1004
Apache Junction
1840 W Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 85120 | (480) 288-6400
Delivering the fastest, highest resolution 3D images, and mammograms that are clinically proven to be more comfortable.
Generates images with 2X’s the tomosynthesis resolution of standard 3D Mammography exams.
- Proven to detect 20-65% more invasive breast cancers than 2D alone
This technology helps to locate and biopsy small or subtle areas that appear suspicious on mammography.
- Pinpoint subtle lesions and faint calcifications including those that may only be visible with tomosynthesis, with the 3D biopsy option.
Clinically proven to improve comfort in 93% of women who experience moderate to severe discomfort with standard compression.
The FaxitronTM Core system is a radiography system designed to provide immediate verification of biopsied breast tissue. This reduces the likelihood of requiring additional biopsies.
Cutting edge AI which helps to identify clinically relevant areas of interest.

Put the Power of Artificial Intelligence Behind Your Mammogram!
At Arizona Diagnostic Radiology, we are transforming breast cancer detection with a revolutionary offering called Enhanced Breast Cancer Detection (EBCD). EBCD is the only solution of its kind—a package of breast care tools that work in concert to optimize your annual breast cancer screening exam. If you want greater confidence in your results, schedule your screening mammogram appointment today and say YES to EBCD!